Last update : November 1st, 2023

Privacy Policy and use of cookies 


St-Roch XPrespects your privacy. We are committed to protecting the personal information of our users. We have adopted this privacy policy (the "Policy") to be transparent about the data we collect, why we collect it, with whom we share it, how you can access it, and how to correct it if necessary. In this policy, the terms "St-Roch XP","we","our",and "us" refer toSt-Roch XP. 

We acknowledge our responsibility to manage your data responsibly. We do not and will not sell your data to third parties. 

This policy applies to the use of the website Please read it carefully to understand when you provide us with your data and how we use it.  

By using our website, you agree to the use of your personal information as described in this Policy. 

To make this Policy as clear as possible, we haveidentifiedthe occasions when a user might potentially share personal information with us.  

The Policy is divided as follows: 

1. Learn more about the organization

2. Contact customer service

3. Purchase tickets from St-Roch XP  

The information collected through these different sections will be discussed in more detail in this Policy. Topics such as how your personal information is used, how and when it might be shared, how you can access and control it, how we ensure the security of your information, and how to contact us will be addressed. 

1. Learn more about St-Roch XP

In an effort tolearn more about St-Roch XPand what we can do for you through one of the following means: 

1. Contact by email for more information 

2. Subscriptionto a newsletter 

It is possible that you visit our website, where various information will be collected. 

We automatically collect the following information through cookies or similar technologies: 

1. Type and version of the browser used 

2. IPaddress 

3. Page that led to the website 

4. Geographic location by IPaddress 

5. Amount of time spent on the website 

6. Internet service provideridentity 

We collect the following information during theinitialcontact orin the course ofyour communications with us. 

1. First name

2. Last name

3. Email adress

4. Postal code 

Why:The data collected allow us to analyze how our website is used and accessed, enabling us to enhance its features andoptimizeit to better serve the needs of our users. These data also allow us to provide you with quality service and communicate with you to help you find the information you are looking for. 

LegalbasisNecessary for our legitimate interests (improvement and customization of our products and services) and yours (answering your inquiries and allowing you to contact us). 

Please note that the information collected by cookies does not allow us to personallyidentifyyou. Also, it is possible to choose to refuse the collection of cookies

However, by refusing the collection of cookies, you may not be able to access certain parts or features of our website. 

2. Contact our customer service

You may wish to contact our customer service in case of a problem. During this process, we will collect information such as your: 

1. First name

2. Last name

3. Email adress

Why: We use this information toidentifyyou and respond to your inquiries or requests. 

Legal basis: This information is necessary to properlyidentifyanyone contacting us and to meet your needs. 

3. Purchase Tickets from St-Roch XP

When you purchase tickets through St-Roch XP (online ticketing by Groupe MTA) on our website, we will collect certain information such as your name, first name, gender, email address, postal address, phone number, and payment information. 

Why: We use this information to process the transaction allowing you to purchase tickets from us, contact you to keep you updated on the event for which you purchased tickets, and for statistical purposes. 

Legal basis: This information is necessary for the execution of the sales contract between us and you. It is also in the legitimate interests of the buyer to obtain tickets purchased from St-Roch XP, ensure payment, and analyze our customer base. 

However, if you refuse to provide the requested personal information, we may not be able to process your request and complete your purchase. 

How do we use your data?

The submission of your personal information through your use of our site is governed by this Policy. As a user of our site, you also agree to respect and protect the personal information of third parties. 

We use your data specifically for the following purposes: 

1. To develop new features and improve the website 

2. To provide the best possible customer service 

3. To communicate for marketing, advertising, or account management purposes 

4. To generate statistics to guide business decisions 

5. Totrackpurchases   

Our use of cookies

When you visit our website, you may provide us with information through cookies or similar technologies. 

Cookies are filescontaininga small amount of data about a given user. This data may include a unique anonymous identifier. Cookies are stored on the user's computer or on another device's hard drive. They allow us to tailor your user experience every time you visit our site. 

Please refer to our cookie policy here:  

With whom do we share your data and why?  ?

We never sell the personal information of our users. Your data is shared only in accordance with this Policy. When you consent to this Policy, we may share your personal information with the following parties: 

Third-party providers: In the course of our activities, we may need to share some of your data with certain third parties. For example, we may share some of your data with our IT providers for the performance of their duties or the execution of a service contract. 

In general, the providers we use will only collect, use, and disclose your information to the extent necessary to perform the services they provide to us, such as hosting our website through Cloudflare and Microsoft Azure. 

However, some third-party service providers have their own privacy policies regarding the information we are required to provide them when using their services. With respect to these providers, we recommend that you carefully read their privacy policies so that you can understand how they will handle your personal information collected. 

Once you leave our website or are redirected to a third-party website or application, you are no longer governed by this Policy. 

List of our IT providers: 

Parties with whom this may be legally necessary: We maydiscloseyour information if the law requires it or if such disclosure is necessary to

1. Comply withthe law or any legal process 

2. Protect the rights or property ofSt-Roch XP 

3. Protect the security of our website, our users, and their data. 

Parties that may be involved in a financial transaction: We may transfer your data as a result of a change of control, merger, liquidation, or other transaction involving St-Roch XP. The information required for this process will only be used for the purpose of completing the transaction, and we will not disclose this information without your consent unless the law permits it. We will take the necessary steps to protect the confidentiality of this information and will destroy it if the transaction is not concluded or if its use is no longer necessary for the purpose of completing the transaction. 

Please note that you may be directed away from our website by clicking on certain links on our website. We assume no responsibility for the privacy practices of these other websites and recommend that you read their privacy policies carefully. 

Your rights 

Data protection laws grant you certain rights in relation to your information.You can,amongotherthings: 

1.Ask us to access your data to verify it. However, we reserve the right to requestadditionalinformation to prove your identity. 

2.Ask us tomodifyor correct your data. 

3. Ask us to erase the personal data we have in our possession, unless weare required tokeep itin order tocomply withlegal obligations, for example. 

4.Object to the processing of your data unless we have legitimate reasons that outweigh your rights or interests or if we need to continue processing this data for the establishment, exercise, or defense of a legal claim. 

5.Ask us to limit the processing of your data if they are incorrect, if you believe that our processing of them is illegal, or if we no longer need to process your data but must keep it for legal purposes. 

6.Ask for your data and personal information in an accessible format. 

7.Withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data. 

8. File a complaint with the relevant authority if you believe that we are processing your data in violation of applicable data protection laws. 

Access et control of your data

You can check,modify, ordeleteyour personal information by sending us an email at [email protected] or using the "Contactus" section on our website or the contact information available at the end of this Policy. We will respond to your request as soon as possible. Please provide enough details so that we canidentifyyou and respond to your request. 

Location of data storage 

Your personal information is hosted in the following country(s): 

They are hosted on Cloudflare and Microsoft Azure servers.

 Data retention period

We willretainall information collectedas long asit is necessary to achieve the purposes for which we collected it or for other essential purposes, such as compliance with legal obligations. We will destroy this data at the end of this period, or if you decide to withdraw your consent. If you request it, once your data isdeleted, you will receive confirmation that your request has been processed. 


To protect your personal data, we take reasonable precautions to ensure that it is not lost, misused, accessed, disclosed, altered, or destroyed inappropriately. 

For example, on our website, we have: 

If you have questions regarding the security of your personal data, please send us an email via the "Contact us" section of our website or directly at [email protected]. 

Age of consent  

We only collect personal information from individuals under the age of 14 with the authorization of their legal guardian. If you are a parent or guardian and you become aware that a child under the age of 14 has provided us with personal information, please contact us. If we become aware that we have collected personal information from a child under the age of 14 without parental consent, we willdeleteany information that may have been collected. 

Competent authority

If you are not satisfied with our response to a requestregardingyour personal information, you can contact the Commissiond'accèsàl’informationdu Québec, the public body responsible for supervising the management and processing of personal data in Quebec, or the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada for Canada. 

Commission d'accès à l’information du Québec 

Adress : 

Bureau 900 

2045, rue Stanley 

Montréal, (Québec) H3A 2V4 

Phone : 514 873-4196 

Fax : 514 844-6170 

Toll-Free Phone : 1 888 528-7741 

Email : [email protected] 

Website : 

Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada

Adress : 

30, rue Victoria 

Gatineau (Québec) 

K1A 1H3 

Toll-free Phone : 1-800-282-1376 

Phone: 819-994-5444 

Fax : 819-994-5424 


Changes to the Policy 

We reserve the right tomodifythis Policy at any time; please check it regularly. Unless otherwisestated, changes to this Policy take effect upon their publication on our Site. If changes are made, we willnotify youhere of the update, so you know what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances wediscloseit, if applicable. 

Questions and contact information

If you want to access, correct,modify, ordeleteany personal information we have about you, file a complaint, or simply want more information, you can contact us at the following address: 

St-Roch XP

Attention: Person Responsible for Personal Information Protection

683, rue Saint-Joseph Est 

Bureau 150 

Québec, Québec 

G1K 3C1 



[email protected]